Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Not My Fault!

So I was running errands today (because that's my new job title) and I was sent to the city of Commerce. I whined because, though I didn't know exactly where it was, I knew it had to be one of those really ugly cities that's hideousness could only be increased by the 100 degree weather. But could I really say no to the guy that's filling up my gas tank and giving me an allowance every week? So off I went.

And low and behold, my errand took me directly across the street from the Citadel Outlets. The very place I see when flying down the I5, but forget all about two minutes after I pass. I was practically there, so I might as well check it out, right? Now I know I'm currently unemployed and should stay far away from such places, but it doesn't hurt to look, right? And if I happen upon a fun yellow silk sundress that was originally $148 and is marked down to $36, do you really think I should pass it up? I didn't think so. And after all, I was SENT to Commerce...I didn't WANT to go.

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