Thursday, May 8, 2008

And on a lighter note...

…the new banner pic is of Churchill Downs during Derby week. Isn’t it glamorous?

I’ll post more pics of our trip to Kentucky soon (as in, when I get motivated to plug that cord I can never find into the computer and download the 9 million pictures, sort through them and crop and enhance them so they look halfway decent.)

1 comment:

photoqueen said...

Wow Jenn, way to take my post to the next level! Love it. As the old book the Pilgrims progress says, we are all on a journey. Everyone's journey looks different and God is quietly speaking to each of us individually. He directs our hearts and changes us in His time. Us humans allowing God to do this in others, frees us up from trying to change people. It's not about us, it's about Him!