Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Did you fart?

Why in the world do I bother to ask this question? I live with three boys (two of which are four-legged and furry). You'd think I'd know the answer by now, which always comes in the form of an attempt at comedy. The smell alone is the answer.

But on a serious note, I need help. I know there is something you can give dogs to alleviate said issue, but I can't remember what it is. If I call my vet, he will tell me to bring the dogs in, as "this could be a sign of bigger issues within their digestive track." Interpretation: A $200 vet visit (yes, that's WITH pet insurance) to tell me I need to brush their teeth more often, clean their ears better, one or the other has skin issues and we should comb this $20 bottle of magic potion through their coat daily, they are either overfed or underfed (can we ever get that one right?) and, oh, by the way...about the stomach issue. I think they just have gas.
Well thank you very much Mr. Veterinarian, you've been a great help.

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