Thursday, May 22, 2008

What have I done?

I know, lots of dog posts lately. Sorry, but it's consuming my life and so we all have to deal with it heal, er, I mean walk with me.

Kirk has officially made our home his and let me tell you it is a LOT of work. I know, you're all thinking, "What in the world did you get a new dog for? You already have two." Well, the deal was, when Stephen got hired on to the Fire Department, we would get a home protection dog for me. Welcome Kirk. And that verse about asking and receiving...I got what I asked for and then some. Kirk insists on circling me wherever I go and is quite possesive of me. Poor Stephen has to call before he comes home so I can hold Kirk back from mauling him. The goofball of a dog doesn't realize his own strength.

We got Kirk from Orange County German Shepherd Rescue, but he originates from a breeder who breeds top of the line "working dogs." His prior owner purchased him, but then realized they couldn't handle the training it takes to make him a really good dog. Enter me...I start training with Kirk tonight. Wish me luck!

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